Introducing Ocular Travel Medicine Book


Bali is one of the tourism destinations in Indonesia and internationally. Therefore, the Ophthalmology Study Program at Udayana University, Bali continues to develop its flagship program on eye health in the field of Travel Medicine. This time, the development effort was marked by the publication of “Buku Saku Kesehatan Mata Saat Berwisata”. This book provides information about eye health problems that may occur during travel, preparation and prevention efforts, and the treatment that can be done if they occur. This book is expected to provide benefits for all travelers, as well as tour guides who accompany tourists. With the publication of this book, socialization were carried out, represented by Dr. dr. Anak Agung Mas Putrawati Triningrat, Sp.M(K) as the Coordinator of the Ophthalmology Study Program Udayana University, together with Dr. dr. Putu Yuliawati, Sp.M(K) and dr. I Gusti Ayu Made Juliari, Sp.M(K), M.Kes which was held at the PBI (Institut Pariwisata dan Bisnis Internasional) on July 1, 2022. In addition to socialization, this activity was also accompanied by the distribution of books and ended with a group photo.