Field Assessment of LAM-PTKes Accreditation of Ophthalmology Study Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana University


On 27th to 29th September 2022, there is Field Assessment of LAM-PTKes Accreditation of Ophthalmology Study Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana University/Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G Ngoerah General Hospital by 2 assessors, namely Dr. dr. Tri Rahayu, Sp.M(K), FIACLE and Dr. dr. Debby Shintiya Dewi, Sp.M(K). This accreditation field assessment was last held 5 years ago with an "A" accreditation result.

On the first day, the event was opened with an opening, followed by a presentation by UPPS (Study Program Management Unit) brought by the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Udayana University Dr. dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes, and continued with the presentation of the Study Program by Coordinator of the Ophthalmology Study Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana University,  Dr. dr. Anak Agung Mas Putrawati Triningrat Sp.M(K). The event then continued with a document tracing session, confirmation, verification of supporting document evidence, as well as discussions and clarifications with the TPPM (Tim Pelaksana Penjaminan Mutu) team and the accreditation task force team of Ophthalmology Study Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana University. 

The second day activity continued with the visitation of two assessors to Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah General hospital, starting from the secretariat, meeting room, wetlab, to the polyclinic. The network hospital Bali Mandara Eye Hospital was also visited. After completion, two assessors returned to Faculty of Medicine Udayana University and conducted interviews with graduate users, alumni, lecturers, students, and educational staff.

The third day which is the last day is a field assessment closing ceremony was held with the delivery of the event report, discussion and the signing of the event report. The whole event went well, and it is hoped that the results that will come out are also good.