Eye Examination with Smart Eye Camera on Community Services In Nusa Penida


The Ophthalmology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University held an eye examination community service. In this event, we collaborated with OUI Inc Japan to conduct an eye examination with Smart Eye Camera (SEC) at Gema Santi Hospital, Nusa Penida, Klungkung, Bali for 2 days from 2nd-3rd September 2022. This activity can be held because of a collaboration with various parties, including Ophthalmology Study Program Faculty of Medicine Udayana University, Prof. I.G.N.G Ngoerah General Hospital, PERDAMI BALI, Bali Mandara Eye Hospital, Gema Santi Hospital, and OUI Inc Japan.

Smart Eye Camera (SEC), is a smart phone attachment that can record and evaluate ophthalmological images and video to help confirm a diagnosis online. SEC makes it possible diagnose diseases in the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, anterior chamber, iris, lens and anterior vitreous due to its portable slit-lamp comparable to that of professional grade slit-lamp microscope, all within a smart phone attachment. It is a Japan approved medical device, with some of the toughest regulations worldwide, that was invented by the OUI Inc., Japan.

The purpose of this activity was to provide services to the community as well as screening for eye diseases such as cataract, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy, as well as screening for dry eye disease using the SEC from OUI Inc Japan. The implementation of the eye examination social service activity was also held to practice Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi from Udayana University. In addition to the initial screening, participants also get a free consultation with our ophthalmologist, if they need glasses, they will be given free glasses, and if participants have a dry eye disease, they will be given free artificial tear drops. This event went smoothly and received high enthusiasm from the community, so the participants reached 140 people. It is hoped that community service activities will continue to be routinely carried out as a sustainable service so that it can provide benefits for doctors and off course for the community.

Video of this event can be watched on the following link
