Corneal Donor Education Seminar for Health Workers


On Saturday, August 5, 2023, the Corneal Donor Education Seminar for health workers was held in the Prof. Dr. I.G.N.G. Ngoerah Conference Room at the Faculty of Medicine at Udayana University. In the seminar, four topics were presented, namely by Dr. dr. A. A. Mas Putrawati Triningrat, Sp.M(K) regarding corneal donors, Dr. dr. Putu Yuliawati, Sp.M(K) regarding health practice ethics, dr. I. G. A. Made Juliari, Sp.M(K), M.Kes regarding the anatomy and physiology of the cornea and its diseases, and dr. Siska, Sp.M(K), M.Kes regarding the eye bank and its management. This seminar was hosted by dr. Putu Dian Megasafitri, Sp.M, where this seminar came from a grant from Udayana University so that participants attended the seminar for free. Participants who attended were medical staff consisting of 31 doctors, 25 nurses, and 2 midwives. This seminar was held against the background of the difficulty of performing corneal transplants due to the limited availability of corneal donors, which may be due to the public's ignorance of corneal donors and corneal donors are considered taboo. At the end of the session, participants were given the opportunity to ask questions and at the end of the event prizes were given to the three best questioners. It is hoped that having a corneal donor education seminar for health workers will provide new knowledge that can be disseminated to the wider community later, so that blindness due to the limited availability of corneal donors can be overcome.